

Integrate crossws with server-sent events and fetch-api.

If your deployment target does not supports handling WebSocket upgrades, crossws SSE adapter allows to add integration based on web platform standards (fetch and EventSource)

This is an experimental adapter and requires a custom WebsocketSSE client to connect.


Server side

HTTP/2 + TLS is recommended in order to increase browser limitations about number of SSE connections (from 6 to 100) and also to allow bidirectional messaging with streaming.

Define adapter:

import sseAdapter from "crossws/adapters/sse";

const ws = sseAdapter({
  bidir: true, // Enable bidirectional messaging support
  hooks: {
    upgrade(request) {
      // In case of bidirectional mode, extra auth is recommended based on request
      // You can return a new Response() instead to abort
      return {
        headers: {},
    open(peer) {
      // Use this hook to send messages to peer
      peer.send(`Welcome ${peer}`);
    message(peer, message) {
      // Accepting messages from peer (bidirectional mode)
      console.log(`Message from ${peer}: ${message}`); // Message from <id>: ping

Inside your web server handler:

async fetch(request) {
  // Handle crossws upgrade
  if (
    request.headers.get("accept") === "text/event-stream" ||
  ) {
    return ws.fetch(request);

  // Your normal application logic
  return new Response("default page")

Client side

In order to make communication with server, we need a special WebsocketSSE client.

import { WebsocketSSE } from "crossws/websocket/sse";

const ws = new WebsocketSSE("https://<server_address>", { bdir: true });

ws.addEventListener("open", () => {

ws.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
Behind the scenes, WebSocketSSE, uses EventSource to receive messages from server. In order to send messages to the server, it tries to make another connection stream using same peer id and if failed, fallback to fetch for each message. In theory, it is possible to have communication on a single HTTP/2 connection, however, due to a current limitation in fetch standard we need 2 connections, one for receiving messages and one for sending.
See test/fixture/sse.ts for demo and src/adapters/sse.ts for implementation.